For iOS


  • A Workspace ONE UEM subscription.

  • An iOS device managed by Workspace ONE UEM.

Add and assign ActiveShield application

  1. Go to the Workspace ONE UEM console, select Apps & Books > Native > Public then click on Add Application.

2. Add Name and choose the platform you want to push the application to.

You can add the application by either clicking SEARCH APP STORE and search for 'ActiveShield'

3. Click on SAVE & ASSIGN.

The application is saved and the assignment process is started automatically.

4. Fill out the name and the group you want to assign to.

On the App delivery method, 'auto' will automatically install the application while 'on-demand', the user chooses to install the application.

5. Go to Application configuration, enable the 'Send Configuration' and fill out the information required (It is provided below). Then click on CREATE.

xxxx - is the tenant name of the account

6. Click on SAVE and then PUBLISH.

Last updated