By Microsoft Intune

You may be eligible for free licenses to use BETTER MTD if you have a valid Microsoft Intune subscription.


  • A Microsoft Intune subscription.

Find us on the Azure Marketplace

Open a browser and sign in to Azure Marketplace.

Search and open the Better Mobile - Mobile Threat Defense app.

Click Free Trial & follow the prompts.

Review & accept the permission requested.

Create a BETTER MTD Tenant

Click on the Activate Free Licenses button.

Click Nextto begin the setup process. This may take several minutes.

Upon completion, you will be prompted to add groups from Microsoft Intune. You may search and add the groups you would like to enroll during this step or later in the BETTER MTD Console. Click Next when you're done.

The members of the selected groups will receive the mobile agent.

If no groups were added during this step, a default group is created.

Select the platforms you would like to target. Click Next when done.

If successful, you should be greeted by a completion message.

Click Finish and you should be redirected to your BETTER MTD Console. To check successful completion: open a browser and sign into the BETTER MTD Console > Integration > EMM/MDM, you should see Intune listed on the page.

Last updated